The Superfluity
Thrift Shop

“The Shop around the corner”

Shopping Hours

Tues - Sat

10 am - 4 pm

Sun, Mon & Stat Holidays


Donation Hours

Tues - Sat

9 am - 3:45 pm

Sun, Mon & Stat Holidays



15163 Prospect Ave,
White Rock,
BC V4B 2B8

(604) 536-7744

Since 1952, the Superfluity Thrift Shop has led the circular economy in the White Rock region. Our volunteers have been processing donations and distributing valuable goods for over 70 years!

As a staple of generosity and giving in the community, it is vital that we maintain a standard of the merchandise. Before donating, please think “would I buy this?” We are strict about what we accept in order to keep the shop valuable to our community.